Chapter 28: The Hongmen Banquet at the Fu Family

So, all he considered was whether or not he would be ridiculed, as for his daughter's happiness, he didn't care about it at all.

Song Weiyi looked at her father close at hand, her strength seemingly drained from her body, leaving not a trace behind.

"Dad, do you still remember what you told my mom eleven years ago when you brought me back to the Fu Family?" Song Weiyi looked up, gazing at her father.

Perhaps, he had already forgotten.

Or perhaps, at that time, he was just saying it casually, to let her mother rest in peace in her final days, rather than leaving with eyes wide open in death.

After all, they had once been lovers, and he might not have been so heartless, to stand by and watch someone dying in agony.

He might have forgotten, but Song Weiyi remembered it all too clearly.

That terrifying hospital, silent, pungent, and frightening.