Chapter 79: Indeed Lives Up to the Reputation


That is to say, at this moment, they were in the same hospital.

Pei Yibai narrowed his eyes, his expression inscrutable, making it impossible to discern his true emotions.

"I need to know the exact details of Sheng Zhenguo's injuries, the locations, and the extent," Pei Yibai tugged at the corner of his mouth, revealing an odd smile.

Wang Meng shivered and nodded respectfully. "Give me ten minutes."

As it happened, they knew people in this hospital, so finding out about Sheng Zhenguo's condition wasn't difficult for them.

Wang Meng quickly contacted someone and obtained Sheng Zhenguo's injury report, which he promptly delivered to Pei Yibai.

A thin sheet of paper detailed Sheng Zhenguo's injuries, clearly written out.

Pei Yibai spread the paper open, scanning the contents at a glance, and the more he read, the wider the smile on his lips became.

What had made the boss so happy? Wang Meng wondered. It didn't seem right.