Chapter 130: The Tormented Song Weiyi

Song Weiyi chose to selectively ignore, now believing in the saying: "A man is reliable as much as a sow can climb a tree."

Pei Yibai's words were clearly a post-event remedy, trying to hoodwink her.

But after he had applied the medicine, the painful area really did feel relieved, a cool sensation that finally didn't feel like it was being burned like before.

Although she said she wasn't a little pig, it wasn't long before Song Weiyi began to yawn again.

Seeing her like this, Pei Yibai picked up her pants from beside him.

"Put these on first, then take a nap if you're tired, and rest well these next few days."

As he spoke, he grabbed her right foot and clumsily helped Song Weiyi put on her pants.

"Hey, I can do it myself," Song Weiyi's heart raced with Pei Yibai's actions.

"Don't move around, just lie still." He patted her foot, the delicate and fair skin gleaming with a captivating luster.