Chapter 215: Treating Your Savior Like This

Song Weiyi "..." was already internally hurt and lacked the courage to speak again.

Seeing that she hadn't moved, the doctor became even less polite and said, "What are you standing there gawking for? Hugging and embracing in public, how many times do I have to remind you before you listen?"

He looked disdainfully at Song Weiyi's movements and then lifted his eyelids to glance at Pei Yibai.

What a pot is to a lid, this couple was a pair, both unreliable.

"Yes..." Song Weiyi nodded dully and climbed off Pei Yibai.

Her gaze collided with Pei Chenyang and Zhao Mengmeng's, who were watching the drama from behind, and Song Weiyi felt utterly mortified.

How was she to face Pei Chenyang after this?

The doctor looked at Pei Yibai on the hospital bed and spoke with a stern attitude, "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine now," Pei Yibai took a deep breath and replied blandly.