Chapter 235 Weiyi's Only Mistake: Bad Eyesight

"Sheng Zhenguo, you dare!" For the first time, Rong Jing'an, in his anger, forgot the respect due to someone of Sheng's standing and called him by his full name in front of Elder Sheng.

"Oh, what a loud voice, Xiaorong, is this how you treat your elder?"

"Not convinced? Acquiring your little company is a matter of minutes. Rong Jing'an, the fault lies in your lack of sensibility. Just for your actions today, if I haven't brought your company down by tomorrow, I won't call myself Sheng Zhenguo."

After dropping those harsh words, Elder Sheng left arrogantly.

As for Rong Jing'an, he was thrown down by his bodyguard like a lifeless corpse.

His phone was blowing up with calls and, in a state of utter confusion, Rong Jing'an picked it up only to realize that it was a call from home.

The news of the company being acquired reached Fu Zining's ears immediately, and she couldn't wait to call and ask the person most in the know.