Chapter 251: The Riches Stay Within One's Own Group

She just wanted to divert Mengmeng's attention, but Zhao Mengmeng took it seriously, too seriously...

A woman as straight as they come had fallen from an unexpected kiss, a feeling so fresh and novel.

Song Weiyi's loud laughter interrupted Zhao Mengmeng's intoxication. When faced with her innocent smile, Zhao Mengmeng suddenly felt the urge to pound the floor.

Was this a trap she'd laid all along for her to fall into?

Zhao Mengmeng was livid. When had Song Weiyi become so wicked, to actually scheme against her?

"You... you... Song Weiyi, you dare to laugh at me."

"I'm not laughing at you, it's just, um, too funny."

"Boohoo, Song Weiyi, you don't love me anymore, and you still treat me like this." Zhao Mengmeng pouted, her face a picture of misery. Was there anything sadder than being teased by your best friend?

"Of course, because the one I love is my husband."