Kosaki Onodera. Encounter & Plan.

Mahora High School.

The high school was quite large, encompassing a 2 km radius around the main campus that housed a restaurant, shopping center, hostel, and other amenities for high school students.

It did, however, cover not only the high school portion but also college with a well-known degree that, if passed, can land a person a decent job.

However, in exchange, one must be accepted into the high school division at the age of eighteen and continue to study for the next seven years, which consist of four years on this campus as a college student and three years of high school.

Despite the long time it took to pass, Fujimoto saw this as a great opportunity because, in essence, it was an upper class school with high class noble students studying nearby.

Even though the noble curriculum and school building were apart from their own, Fujimoto was able to see, from the fifth floor, that the next building was not too far ahead of their school and was hosting a piano lesson.

Despite the quiet environment since the students had left, Fujimoto was still able to hear and enjoy the sound of the piano.

'She is Sakura Haruna, from Sakura's prominent family department.' As Fujimoto peered at the indistinct image of the girl, he wondered why he was finding it so difficult to catch a glimpse of the named character—the girl was too far away, and the shine of the shine was hiding her face.

'Hmm...' As he continued to enjoy the melody, Fujimoto suddenly glimpsed a familiar figure of a girl along with a boy from his class, another one of the few named character.

'Yes, the couple of the class, Onodera Kosaki and Tanaka Kenta, are the class's top contender.'

'Hmm, where they are heading at this time period.'

Peering, Fujimoto grinned a little and made the difficult decision to follow the couple, keeping a low profile as they entered a particular club room on the fourth floor.

'It was this class, right?' Before peering inside the room, Fujimoto gave it some thought. Inside, he saw Kosaki and Kenta kissing, their bodies sticking so close to one another that they were enjoying each other's company, and their lips parting as saliva dripped from their tongues.

'Hehe, now this is interesting; who would have thought that they had advanced to this stage? Plus, Kosaki look so sexy, man.'

The sight of their lust made Fujimoto's younger brother rise, and he grinned slightly as he began to make plans to take Kosaki away from this boy.

After all, a cutie like Kosaki is hard to come by, and there is no way Fujimoto will allow her to become a part of this boy harem.

Since in this world the girls-to-boys ratio is 10:1, having harem is not a big deal out here.

This is why Fujimoto was initially wary of this world, but he eventually discovered that his old cravings were haunting him every night.

The reason that kept him virgin after coming to this world.

'Good, this might work...'

Thinking for a moment, Fujimoto took out the smartphone to take pictures of two of them before keeping the hacked side hidden and then returning it to being normal.

'One of the few things that he got from the previous world.'

'Being a hacker was a good thing, to keep his things hidden and protected.'

Then touching the 'Steal-Note.' Fujimoto thought of manipulating some of the Kosaki feelings with a slight twitch to what she can do and leaving both of them while leaving a baseball on the side of the table, which will fall down at some point.

When Fujimoto left that spot, Kosaki and Kenta were sharing a passionate kiss, with Kosaki crumbling under Kenta's hand as he was digging his finger slowly inside her body and pushing under her skirt, when a damn voice shook them both to their cores.

'Clang!' The baseball fell on the metal sheet, making it sound like someone is there, shivering Kenta up as he packed his things up while Kosaki hid behind the chair tidying the messed up clothes, but somewhere within her heart she felt at ease, given the way was heading out, and she was sure that Kenta and she could end up having sex in that momentum.

'Eh!' Suddenly Kosaki felt weird; her emotions started to stir up, and she got the urge to relieve herself, which started to rise through her body when Kenta spoke.

"Kosaki, I will go ahead and check, then you should also head back to your dorm." Upon hearing him, Kosaki smiled weakly and gave him a smile while her finger lightly touched her underwear, giving her a quiver.

"Yeah, I will." Kosaki weakly smiled and agreed with her boyfriend.

"You are alright, Kosaki." Kenta was able to feel something off about the girl and asked, making Kosaki smile a little and nodding at him before seeing him go off and start to tidy her clothes for a minute before heading out.

'What is this, Why is it feeling this overwhelming.'

The poor girl was unaware that, in addition to making it more difficult for her to walk, her body was beginning to release a lot of hormones, particularly those that affect the sensitivity of her lower body.

As Kosaki's slender figure continued to advance toward the third floor, Fujimoto noticed that she was deteriorating.

He quickly dashed toward the eastward side stairways and made a left turn to reach the third floor.

When a minute passed and Fujimoto finally saw Kosaki's figure descending the stairs, her face flushed scarlet.

She covered her lower body with her skirt and approached him with a giddy gait.

"Eh! Onodera-san. Are you alright?" As if surprised by Kosaki's walking posture, Fujimoto called out the girl, who was really surprised by his voice and almost quivered while looking at the familiar classmate.

"Kaito-san. It's a surprise to you to see here this late, I thought; everyone had gone back to their dorms."

The girl was taken aback by Fujimoto's abrupt appearance, but despite this, she managed to have a calm conversation with him while she made a concerted effort to cover her slightly wet leg.

When the girl's tense emotion subsided, Fujimoto turned to see that her legs were about to slip off the stairway, which caused her to scream.

Surprised, he turned to see the girl slip and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward him in the hopes that she would not fall on stairways and suffer serious injuries.

'Opps.' Even though Fujimoto was able to draw the girl toward him, her tremendous momentum caused him to stumble backward, causing Kosaki to stumble as well, and her head to crash into his chest.

'Hiss...' Fujimoto felt a sharp pain in his chest and back that nearly made him close his eyes.

Meanwhile, Kosaki, who was prepared to fall on Fujimoto when he cuddled, opened her eyes and was startled by the boy's painful expression, almost causing her to grab the boy's head back and give him a hug in her bosom.

"Kaito-san, are you alright?" Not realize how she was sitting on Fujimoto's lower body in a very ambitious position.

The girl's first concern was the Fujimoto injury; after all, it was thanks to him that she escaped from her injuries.

"Shh. Yes, I am alright, Onodera-san, so don't worry." Fujimoto also opened his eyes as he looked at the girl figure, which was inches away from his body, tightly embracing his body, as the sweet scent of her body was enticing the hell out of him, making his determination stronger.

"Onodera-san, umm." Realizing how she was sitting on Fujimoto's embrace, the girl tried to stand, but the fear from before had made her legs weak, causing her to fall when Fujimoto grabbed her waist.

'No...' The girl was on the verge of tears when Fujimoto touched her waist. A shiver went through her, causing the thin wall of consciousness that had been holding her back to crumble.

Wetness began to seep from her panties, sullying Fujimoto's pants, and her face turned a bright red as she fell deeper into Fujimoto's embrace.