Cheaper 2 Derivation of controlled nuclear fusion

"Hao Chu! What are you doing?"

Seeing Hao Chu stand up and walk towards the podium, Professor James's face changed slightly and immediately snapped at him!

"This is a classroom, so think clearly!"

James's rebuke fell into Hao Chu's ears, so that he felt a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

He had not heard it for more than ten years!

A faint smile appeared on Hao Chu's face. He nodded gently to James and said, "Professor James, I'm sorry, I need to ues the blackboard."

James was shocked and angry!

In all my years of teaching, this is the first time a student has asked to "borrow" his blackboard in class!

At the next moment, he saw haochu walking up to him of his own free will and picking up a dry-erase marker from the podium.

James laughed with rage!

How is that a borrow? He didn't even nod! This is clearly a robbery!

"I'm warning you now for the last time..."

James took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said softly, "You go back to your seat now, and I can handle what you did before." If..."

Hao Chu straightened his back and gave James a deep look.

The majesty of the Human League's chief scientist radiates from Hao Chu.

James's pupils contracted slightly, and his words seemed to be stuck in his throat in the middle of his sentence.

James couldn't help but think back to his days as a graduate student.

At that time, in his eyes, his mentor also has this kind of temperament!

But he was just looking at a sophomore!

His mentor was one of the top scientists in the world!

At this moment, not only James, but also a group of students under the stage, also fell into a dull!

"Oh my God, is Hao Chu crazy?"

A thin boy wearing black-rimmed glasses stared at the scene from the podium, muttering: "Does he want to be expelled from school? "

The boy, named Ravi, is Hao Chu's roommate, and it is he who quietly woke Hao Chu up just now.

How did he never think that Hao Chu who was immersed in learning on weekdays, would do such shocking things in the university physics class!

Hao Chu ignored James and his classmates' shock.

He turned to face the blackboard, picked up the whiteboard marker in his hand, and began to write with a firm face!

A clear line of equations appeared on the blackboard.

The handwriting was so elegant that Professor James's eyes lit up.

But soon his brow was furrowed.

This line of calculation formula, should not be sophomore students can access to knowledge!

Professor James had a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.

He stopped driving Hao Chu away, and instead stood quietly with his arms folded over his chest, reading what Hao Chu had written on the blackboard.

Professor James frowned deeper and deeper as the lines and diagrams appeared.

If he reads it correctly, it's about controlled nuclear fusion!

But... How does Hao Chu know all this knowledge?

However, seeing this knowledge beyond the undergraduate level, James's anger has dissipated, replaced by a deep love for talent!

James looked at Hao Chu's straight back, his eyes were full of joy!

All the disrespectful actions of Hao Chu just now have been forgotten by him.

By this time, the blackboard was full of knowledge about controlled nuclear fusion, including a schematic diagram of a fusion device.

James nodded with satisfaction.

At present, the research content of the controlled nuclear fusion project in country A is similar to this stage.

Just as he was about to speak and interrupt Hao Chu's action, an accident happened!

Hao Chu's whiteboard pen suddenly stopped!

"There's no room..."

Hao Chu frowns slightly and looks at the projector screen on the side.

He went to the projector screen and wrote a line of formula on the screen with a whiteboard marker!

Whiteboard markers are not suitable for writing on projector screens.

But at this time, he clearly does not care about these small problems. He has a desperate need!

He wants to write the storm of words in his mind into the blank space in front of him as much as possible!

Hao Chu wrote so quickly that before James could stop him, a mass of letters appeared on the white screen.

James's pupils contracted slightly.

This is a completely new way of composing materials.

James subconsciously rummaged through his mind for memories.

But even after searching through his mind, he felt that he had never seen this formation before.

The next moment, a light flickered from the corner of his eye.

He followed the light and saw several students holding mobile phones to record the scene in front of them.

James' face darkened slightly.

Although he did not know what Hao Chu was writing now, his scientific intuition told him that these things were all the most important essences! It must not be easily leaked!

He whispered, "Everyone, put down your phones and stop filming!" After a moment's thought, James spoke again, "No one is allowed to leave the classroom!"

After half an hour, he stopped writing.

"You're writing about the synthesis of a new kind of material?"

James' voice came from the side.

Hao Chu turned his head and nodded with a faint smile: "That's right."

He glanced at the crowd of gawking students and whispered, "James, this material could solve the problem of controlled fusion."

The biggest problem plaguing controlled nuclear fusion is nothing more than the hundreds of millions of degrees of heat generated when the fusion reaction occurs!

He turned his head again and stared grimly at the monogrammed projector screen in front of him.

"This material... What's the use?"

There was a slight tremolo in James's voice; after all, he was a professor in the physics department and didn't know much about materials science.

But this is controlled fusion! This is a problem that has puzzled many scientists!\

Even though he still had some doubt in his heart, seeing the dense and detailed deduction steps above, the doubt in his heart also disappeared.

Such rigorous deduction procedures, such skillful use of formulas...

He even suspected that he was standing in front of a hidden scientist!

"This material can perfectly carry the high temperature of controlled nuclear fusion, and with the stellarizer, it can perfectly achieve controlled nuclear fusion!"

Hao Chu's eyes glint with some unknown meaning and he whispers, "Professor, I need you to help me verify my deduction!"