Chapter 4 Gifted

Hao Chu and James opened their eyes at the same time and cast their gaze toward the classroom gate.

"Come in. The door is unlocked."

The classroom door opened slowly. Several professors with white hair walked into the classroom.

As soon as the old man entered the classroom, he set his eyes on the blackboard behind the podium.

After a cursory glance at the blackboard and the projector screen, the old man's eyes flashed with surprise.

Then he turned to look at Hao Chu.

The wonder in the old man's eyes grew stronger when he saw Hao Chu staring at him unflinchingly.

"Professor James, this is what you were talking about... Gifted student?"

James nodded gently: "Dean, let me introduce you, this guy is a sophomore physics student, his name is Hao Chu."

With that, he turned to HaoChu and said "Whether your new material is reliable, just ask him!"

After saying hello.

The dean smiled and nodded, then turned his eyes back to the blackboard behind the podium.

The first half, although only the most basic knowledge of controlled nuclear fusion, but the use of various diagrams and formulas, or let the dean's eyes slightly bright.

Such standard, proper formula deduction, if it is self-taught, this is simply the perfect research seedling!

Especially when he saw the next step of the new material deduction, his eyes were completely lit up!

Regardless of whether this result is correct or not, at least the deduction process is clean, refreshing, and full of a unique beauty!

The dean's eyes twitched slightly, and he turned around with a smile to look at Hao Chu beside him.

Seeing HaoChu, the dean continued: "Are you interested in coming to my school of materials to study ?"

"I will directly recommend you to graduate school places!"

HaoChu was stunned.

"Hey, hey, hey! You can't do that, old man!"

James was distraught in an instant!

The dean obviously ignored James's words and continued to smile and say, "Boy, I see you have a lot of research in materials science, are you self-taught?"

HaoChu unconsciously glanced at James around him and nodded gently: "Yes, I learned it all by myself."

The dean's brow snapped! Good boy! Now the dean has met a real genius!

He quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a calm tone: "Self-study can reach this level, it is already very good!"

"But... There are still some shortcomings, so, you come to our material school to study, I promise to give you a place for outstanding youth!"

HaoChu looked at the old man in front of him with both good anger and amusement.

If he wasn't born again, he'd be fooled!

A brilliant young man? He was the chief scientist of the Human League a lifetime ago, and the attraction of this little brilliant young man is basically zero!

As for the flaw... Are you kidding me? This is the best material ever tested and proven!

But... As a sophomore, HaoChu can't say that.

His eyes just right to reveal a few tangled color: "Dean, or... Why don't you look at the molecular formula of this material first?"

That was a bit of a surprise to him!

According to the usual experience, he has done this set of actions, these young people have been dizzy!

"Dean! He is from my physics department!" 

repeated James, his face reddening slightly.

The dean glanced at James angrily. "Come on, all the physics and materials departments are students from mona University."

"Professor James, as the dean of the School of Materials, it is right for me to promise some benefits to talent, isn't it?"

James' face froze. He's the dean, but James isn't!

Just as the atmosphere began to become awkward, the door of the classroom was pushed open!

"What you just said Is there no one in the physics department? "

A loud voice came from the classroom door.

This is the voice of Planck, Dean of Nuclear Physics!

James was happy. In contrast, the dean of the School of Materials, his face was somewhat embarrassed and annoyed. !

Planck strode into the classroom and looked at the blackboard at the first time.

At seeing the blackboard, his eyes instantly released thousands of brilliant!

No wonder the old man wants the student!

"HaoChu, right? I'm Planck, dean of the School of Nuclear Physics, and I don't care what this old guy tells you, what his materials department can give you, my physics department can give you!"

Hao Chu blinked a few times, his eyes revealing deep Helplessness and doubt.

How did it end up like this?

Didn't we agree to invite the professors to review it? How did it turn into a student robbery?

At the last moment, it was Professor James who was the first to recover and bring the subject back with a slight cough.

"Let's look at the conclusion first!"

Planck's mouth appeared a faint smile, slowly nodded and said: "Good! Since Professor James believes this student so much, let's see if there are any holes in your reasoning."