Kayden Nolan

"I hope mother doesn't shout at you like that anymore and also, don't always reject her help Mirabelle." Gabrielle said as she helped her sister to bathe which was fine by Mirabelle. "I know...I'd try" Mirabelle said while Gabrielle poured the water on her back.  "So how did your outing with Sir Thomas go?" Mirabelle asked but she failed to see the smile that appeared on Gabrielle's face after hearing the question. Gabrielle was indeed happy about the time she spent with Sir Thomas. "Well...it was nice but I went to the market too early and some shops were not open yet so I couldn't buy everything we needed" Gabrielle said. "Ohh I see. Did you engage in lovey dovey activity?" Mirabelle teased her sister. "Mirabelle!!" Gabrielle exclaimed as she poked her sister. "I'm sorry but I'm curious to know if my sister is going to get married anytime soon" Mirabelle said and giggled. She had never experienced true love from a man and since she didn't have that luxury, she wished her sister did. She genuinely wished her sister all the happiness and love that she deserved. "I'm taking things slow, before that happens might take some time" Gabrielle stated. "Alright then." Mirabelle said and Gabrielle helped her get out of the bath.

Gabrielle helped her sister get into fresh clothes before she walked out of the room to look for her younger brother. Walking down the small halls of their home, Gabrielle heard incoherent words coming from outside their house and decided to check it out. She went outside the building to see her brother holding a wood shaped like a sword, swinging it as he uttered incoherent words. "Kayden?" Gabrielle called out and her brother turned around. "Ohh Gabrielle...hey" Kayden said. Kayden took after both his parents, he had brown hair just like his mother and blue eyes like his father. He was a good looking young man for his age.

"I didn't see you earlier when I came home so I was wondering where you were" Gabrielle explained. "Ohh I must have been in my room then. But I did see a carriage leaving the front of the gate. Who was it?" Kayden asked curiously.

"It was Sir Thomas. He came to see mum but she wasn't really in the mood to welcome guests so I told him to visit some other time"  she answered.

"By the way, what were you doing?" Gabrielle asked as her eyes drifted to the wooden sword like structure in her brother's hand.  Kayden followed his sister's line of sight and answered "Ohh...I was training. I got the carpenter to make this for me few days ago for just a few coins."

"You really want to be a knight?" Gabrielle questioned. Her little brother has always mentioned how much he wanted to be a knight. He had always been enamored with everything that had to do with knighthood. From their dressing to the battles but his parents never agreed to it because they felt it was too dangerous.

Gabrielle had thought that after her parents had disagreed to Kayden becoming a knight, he would have focused on something else now but seeing the wooden sword in his hand made her realize that her brother was not going to give up. As it was something he dearly wanted. "Yes. I really want it. What a privilege it will be to fight and defend the crown and the kingdom." Kayden said as he sat on the ground that was covered with grass. "But you know what mum and dad always says whenever you bring it up" Gabrielle said she sat close to him on the low grass. "I know but it has always been my dream, I can't give up on it just like that" Kayden stated with a sadden expression.

"It's okay pumpkin. Just give it time and everything will work out for you" Gabrielle said as she played with her brother's cheeks.

"When I become a knight I don't want you to call me pumpkin anymore" Kayden said and Gabrielle laughed "Oh please. Even when you're married I'd still call you that".

"Gabby!!" Kayden exclaimed and Gabrielle giggled. They continued their playful sibling bicker before entering the house to join their sister Mirabelle.