5. A mediocre Corpse Chaser!

The man was startled by the evil beings that pounced from the outside and frantically protected the chubby child behind him…

I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Before I became aware, I was basically no different from ordinary people, except that I could see things a little differently. But as soon as I became aware, I encountered such a serious incident?

The Xiangxi Corpse Drivers are legendary characters, and today, not only did I run into one, but the one I met was a half-baked amateur who could kill people.

A person is like a container with essence, spirit, and soul stored inside, and these evil ghosts come to absorb the essence through sensing.

Generally, those with poorer health are easier to detect, as if the leaking container is letting out a scent.

And this old man…

His soul was forcefully sealed within his body. Having just entered a special space, the restrictions on the old man were not stable and were broken through…

Normally, for Corpse Chasers, the ability to seal souls is considered a basic skill. If one isn't proficient in soul sealing, they would never be allowed to take on such tasks!

It's harmful to the deceased and a disaster for the Corpse Chasers themselves.

At this moment, for the evil beings outside, this room is like a little barbecue stand in the Underworld.

The scent can drift down two streets! How could it not attract these dirty things?

If you don't have the skills, don't take on work that's out of your league!

And yet, you dare to take on such tasks with these skills?

Thinking back to my childhood, grandma forced me to practice the sword, learn common knowledge, study medicine every day...

I didn't see the point at the time and even rebelled, but now I realize it was all very useful.

You yourself might not cause trouble, but trouble seems to find you!

"With your skills, you're lucky to still be alive as you roam the world," I said.

The middle-aged man's face turned ashen, as if he had been frightened out of his wits by the evil beings. He bowed his body and took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down before explaining:

"I really can't be blamed for this. The old man was a job my father took on twenty years ago. Nowadays, no one learns this stuff. I learned half of it and then went into business... I only really learned the soul-sealing part, and I haven't used it for so many years... I've practically forgotten it all."

"Now that the old man is gone, and my father too, this debt cannot be settled by money. Even though I wanted to back out, my life wouldn't be enough to cover it. I surely can't let my whole family suffer, so I had no choice but to forge ahead. Young lady, do you have any solutions? Or should I try to seal it again now... I... I'll try sealing it again… I…"

Seeing the middle-aged man pick up the talisman paper and try to apply it to the old man's body, I couldn't help but exclaim, this guy really doesn't know anything!

"Seal my ass, the three souls and seven spirits have completely leaked out, what you have now is just a shell! What can your seal possibly hold on to!"

I ran through a few plans in my mind, but quickly dismissed them all. In the end, I could only communicate with Master Huang using my thoughts…

"… Master, can you possess me..."

"I can't. You haven't finalized the Chuma Disciple procedures, so strictly speaking, I can't even be considered your Home-protecting Immortal. Besides, even if I possessed you in my current state, I couldn't display my power. However, I can enhance your abilities... allow your body to significantly increase in strength for a short period."

The screams outside grew worse, and the evil beings continually battered the car door. Although they were suppressed by the Peach Wood Sword and dared not create a disturbance, their eyes were filled with greed, like someone who hasn't eaten in a week suddenly seeing a skewer of beef.

The little chubby child was crying so hard he was almost out of breath, and the middle-aged man, with no other options, had to carry the child to the upper bunk and cover him with a quilt...

"Baby, don't be scared, just hide up there and don't come out. Don't be mad at Daddy, Daddy has no choice..."

The little chubby child was crying so much he couldn't utter a word, shivering beneath the quilt.

Listening to the child's cries gave me a headache; it seemed there was no escaping this time! The situation was complicated!

The first car is sealed off, and now that everything has become automated, if the evil entity breaks through the locomotive, and there's a problem with it, the train is very likely to stop. Once it stops, we won't be able to move out of this specific space. We're all going to die...

Secondly, the evil entities are now truly attacking ordinary people indiscriminately. If so many people end up in trouble, even if I survive, I'll either be treated as a murderer or as a research subject. It's going to be difficult to just look out for myself.

It seems like there's no chance of hiding and waiting for things to blow over!

I took a look at the items in my hand and steeled my heart, saying:

"Master, if I can't hold on and get killed by these evil entities, go back to grandma and report to her. Tell her I'm sorry. A Chuma Disciple doesn't get a next life, but if there is one... I'd still like to be her granddaughter."

After finishing, I pulled Master down from my neck and put him in my pocket.

Keeping it in front of my chest makes it too easy to be attacked!

I turned one of the Home-protecting Immortals into poo, I can't afford to lose my life because of it!

After I took a deep breath and darted out, the Immortal-binding Rope, as if sensing my will, suddenly extended much longer, wrapping itself around the nearby evil entities. With the Peach Wood Sword in hand, I lunged at the group of evil entities.

Whether I live or die depends on this moment of bravado!

The items grandma prepared for me were the best treasures she had at hand, and sure enough, they were a hundred times more effective than any Peach Wood Sword I had used before.

Back when grandma handled affairs at her seat, the Immortal-binding Rope she had would only tie people up when the Immortal Family took action. It was my first time seeing it sortie out on its own for battle.

It was quite the eye-opener!

These evil entities were not like ordinary evil spirits; when struck by a Peach Wood Sword, an evil spirit would be dispersed, but these entities would fall to the ground as if they were human.

They would even cough up fresh blood...

Compared to evil spirits, they were more like zombies.

Drooling brownish mucus from their mouths, their eyeballs grey-white, some with half their faces burned away, some missing an arm — it seemed they had all been burned by a great fire.

It's as if within this specific barrier, these evil entities had become corporeal.

The clothing of the evil entities was uniformly from the '40s or '50s, suggesting they were not unfamiliar with trains...

At this moment, Master Huang hopped out of my pocket...

"I'm not the kind to fear death either. How can I explain myself if you die? I, too, have my pride!"

The little black ball emanated a grey aura, pressing against the evil entities' bodies and shoving them out the window. The entities didn't know what Master Huang was, and since it was just a small ball, they couldn't grab it in time.

Several of the evil entities hadn't even made contact with me before they were thrown out by Master Huang.

In no time, we — one person and one ball — had cleared out the entire carriage.

The evil entities in the adjacent carriages continued to move toward us, with more and more showing up...

By now, Master Huang was also panting heavily, his body wavering unstably in the air. He'd never been through such a big ordeal since he started practicing, his mind a mess. Suddenly, he remembered something and shouted out loud:

"Xiao Bai, I remember now — hurry up and perform the blood covenant, your Immortal-binding Rope and Peach Wood Sword can become even more powerful! The force can be greater! Your grandma gave you the Immortal-binding Rope made from a thousand-year-old Snake Slough! I've heard my aunt say that you've helped the Huang Family too much. Third Great-Grandma said that unrepaid kindness would lead to disaster, so she specially bestowed this Immortal-binding Rope to your grandma to pass on to you. And that Peach Wood Sword! My aunt said it was because your grandma had done a huge favor for the Immortal Family that she acquired it! Quick, perform the blood covenant! Use your palm! Your palm! The heart of all fingers is in the palm of your hand!"

Hearing Master Huang's words, I immediately sliced open my palm with the Peach Wood Sword. As the Immortal-binding Rope and Peach Wood Sword touched the fresh blood, they immediately glowed. Subsequently, the Immortal-binding Rope lengthened even more; originally, it could only bind around five or six evil entities at once, but now it directly wrapped up an entire carriage full of entities. No matter how they struggled, they just couldn't break free.

The blood mist that permeated the air showed signs of being dispersed.

And in my hands, the Peach Wood Sword began to stir restlessly.