9. The Trio of Mojin Brigadiers

After the woman left with Xiao Guai, a group of black-clad figures escorted us out of the train station,

and I got a bit excited when I saw a few SUVs, I must say it's really comfortable sitting in a nice car.

Taking a sedan on mountain roads could be quite torturous; an SUV's shock absorption is better.

I was dozing off in the front passenger seat when I suddenly sensed Master, and upon looking down, I saw a bottle containing Little Black Ball swaying in my pocket.

I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep, and contacted Master:

"Didn't we agree that you'd follow Xiao Guai?"

Master chuckled, proudly saying:

"No need for me anymore, that woman has an Immortal on her, a serpent spirit, very powerful. I've handed over all the matters, and Immortal Mang also said he would protect the child well, even striving to become a Home-protecting Immortal this time! I hurried back to your side in the chaos. I'm supposed to protect you, so of course, I would come back if I could. Don't worry, the main camp will definitely be fine, Immortal Mang is fierce in battle!"

After speaking, Master continued to rest with his eyes closed, and I kept my eyes closed to recuperate, but every time I was about to fall into deep sleep, it felt like a little hook was pulling my consciousness back.

After several attempts, I simply stopped trying to sleep and began to feel this power.

The closer the car got to our destination, the more I felt this power hidden in the mountains...

Vast and stretching, it seemed to be summoning something.

"Master, can you feel that power?"

"What power? No. What's the matter? You need to go to the bathroom? Are you combating gravity? Just get some rest, ever since I became a dad, I haven't had a full night's sleep!"

Master's cold joke disrupted my thoughts; did Yellow Skin even know what gravity was?

I closed my eyes and continued to feel the power...

After driving for several hours, we finally arrived at the village at night, where the village chief had been waiting at the entrance for a while...

As soon as Lu Mingwei got out of the car, the chief immediately greeted him with a smiley face and a flashlight.

"You've arrived, you've arrived! Everything here is ready for you, a big courtyard for you to stay in. Rest assured during your stay this time, we will definitely take good care of you. Let us know if you need anything, we will do our best to accommodate."

Lu Mingwei smiled and nodded his head. At that moment, several black-clad figures also carried the body of an elderly man off the car. As soon as they disembarked, the old man's body collapsed, unable to stay upright, and they hurriedly carried the elder into a room.

I took a special look at the village chief and noticed he didn't pay attention to the strange condition of the elder but just kept grinning at Lu Mingwei as if there were 5 million on his face.

The courtyard wasn't big but obviously had been built within the last couple of years.

The black-clad figure standing beside Lu Mingwei took a big red banknote out of his pocket and handed it to the village chief, who nearly split his face with glee, happily taking the money and leaving.

It looked like these black-clad figures were bodyguards and nannies who had been with Lu Mingwei and his wife for a long time.

They must be capable of fighting as well as handling logistics.

After the village chief left, they started cleaning up on their own initiative...

In no time, the little courtyard was as if it had been scrubbed, polished, and buffed.

"Do you know the village chief?"

Lu Mingwei nodded, the smile on his face slowly fading away…

"Two years ago, my father's health suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse. One day, as if possessed, he insisted on taking one last job, claiming he wanted to make one final push for success. As a result, both old men didn't come back; they died out there. Since then, I've known... I had to go on this mission myself. So, I spent money to pave roads, bring electricity to their village, and provided many home appliances. I helped the young people here find work elsewhere."

"The road we just walked on was built by me, you see the street lamps outside, I installed those. This house was built by me as well, and the refrigerator and washing machine here were all provided by me. I've insured all the elderly in the village, and the young people work in my factory. Every time I come, I give thousands in consolation money, and the village chief distributes two hundred to each family. During festivals, I also distribute some holiday gifts, you could say I support the entire village."

Lu Mingwei spoke in an unhurried way, the more I listened, the more I admired him.

For him, it was all about making his own trip more convenient, but for the people of this village, it was something that could change their fates.

Having an asphalt road in such a remote village, access to electricity, and the use of washing machines and refrigerators,

were things most people wouldn't even dare to dream of.

"Including Yu Mai, I have built many paths up the mountain, as well as some cabins to rest in. My father left me coordinates many years ago, and I've sent many people here to explore over the past couple of years, yet they found nothing. It's as if hit by '鬼打墙', going round in circles, unable to penetrate the place; they're just winding up back where they started. I don't believe in curses, so I've built roads and houses nearby, but it's still no use. Tomorrow morning a team of Mojin Brigadiers will come to help. It seems we won't be able to reach that place by ourselves."

After chatting for a while, everyone went to rest. The man in black stood guard while I slept in the room on the east side, and Lu Mingwei and the elderly corpse were in the main room.

The man in black wanted to keep watch over the elderly corpse for Lu Mingwei but was rejected. In such circumstances, it's definitely more reliable to guard it yourself.

I lay in bed and began to chat with Master.

"Master, what do you think is happening now?"

Lu Mingwei actually used a method that was the most expensive but also the most practical.

That was to build paths up the mountain; even if we encountered 'ghost hitting the wall', building it brick by brick, we would surely reach the destination eventually.

Yet, the coordinates still couldn't be found...

"How would I know? But based on what that rich guy just said, it could be that the old coot wanted to seize the Dragon Vein for his descendants to ensure a bright future, or maybe even to secure one for himself. As for not finding the location, it's probably the 'ghost hitting the wall', only the layout in the mountains is larger, and ordinary people can't find their way through it. Now that I'm in this shitty form, I can't very well go to the mountains to inquire for you... Forget it, we still have to go during the day, and you'll wait for news."

I grunted in response and prepared to sleep.

This matter for me was like an eye-opener. I had heard so many stories from my grandmother, but none were as interesting as what I had experienced these past two days. Oftentimes, you have to experience things for yourself.

When I woke up, it was already ten in the morning, and as I walked out groggily, I saw that many more people had arrived in the yard.

They were holding various tools, and everyone was dressed in workwear. I scratched my head, weary. Have tomb raiding teams now developed a corporate culture?

And they even have uniform work clothes?

Seeing me awake, Lu Mingwei quickly brought over two men and a woman to introduce them:

"This is the team in charge of leading us into the mountains this time: Jia Bodong, Jia Boren, and Anna. All three are well-known figures in the industry! With them, we'll definitely make it up the mountain! From now on, we'll have to work together closely!"

The man with a well-proportioned body was Jia Bodong, his face expressionless and looking as though he was of a bad temper, his gaze restrained, suggesting he was a low-key person.

The shorter and chubbier man was Jia Boren, his face wearing a smile, but the scar across his eyelid was quite chilling to behold; he didn't look like an easy opponent.

The beautiful woman standing next to them was Anna, with a gun on her waist and several throwing knives strapped to her leg. Judging by her breathing rhythm, she was well trained.

They say Mojin Brigadiers usually work in groups of three, and it seems there's truth to it. The leaders were a trio, and those working also mostly came in groups of three.

"This is the person who saved me on the train. We're planning to head into the mountains soon."

After Lu Mingwei's introduction, we nodded at each other in acknowledgment.

I glanced at the mountain not far away and asked:

"Do I need to do anything later? It won't be too peaceful in the mountains, will it?"