40. Chick Ren Xiang

The old couple immediately started rummaging through their belongings when they heard this, pulling out quite a few items. I didn't recognize many of the talismans, but from the patterns and materials, I could tell they were of high quality.

"Here, take this with you. I'll explain how each item is used in a moment, so it'll be convenient for you to use them! Please don't hold my son's mistakes against us—treat us with forgiveness. If you ever need anything in the future, just ask us old folks; we will definitely follow your orders!"

I naturally couldn't accept things for free, and besides, although Ren Xiang's items didn't work that well, the situation hadn't been too badly delayed.

Everything that had to be sent off had been sent off, and those that couldn't be, well, they simply couldn't be.

When it finally came time to conduct rites for Er Zi and her child, the items did prove to be effective, so it wasn't a loss.