62. Vacuum Lu Chen


I was contemplating whether or not to take a look, but then I thought that Lu Chen probably wouldn't want anyone to witness such an erotic scene.

Ninth Master Chang spoke up at this moment:

"Xiao Bai, something's off about this noise."

I listened carefully again and indeed, something seemed not quite right. Master had flown out of the bottle at this point and went straight to the window. Soon, I heard a clattering sound.

Ninth Master Chang yawned and said,

"Has the fight started now?"

I felt something was off. Although I hadn't known Lu Chen for long, I knew he wasn't someone completely unaware of propriety. He wouldn't do such a thing at this time.

Especially, I knew Master even better.

Sensing trouble, I quickly rushed over with Ninth Master Chang and the still sleeping Hu Tu. When I opened the door, I got the fright of my life...