69. Nine out of ten schools are graveyards.

"Thank you. If it weren't for the fact that the school said they would expel me if I didn't return, my father wouldn't be in such a rush to bring me back. I was just sleeping… and I just felt so cold, there was an old man bleeding from all seven orifices, circling around me. I wanted to cry out for help but couldn't—it was terrifying."

I pursed my lips, the school had been quite lenient with his family, not expelling him for being away for so long. It had been almost a year before they said anything, which was quite considerate of them.

If it had been me at school, I reckon the instructor would have been on my case if I went missing for a month.

Looking at the state Liu Zi'ang was in, his body was like a broken pot, needing time and Yang energy to slowly recover. The option of using formal exorcism techniques was off the table, so now the only choice was to try the Wild Daoist's method—in a bid to treat a dead horse as if it's alive.