109. Employ people for advancement, not for retreat.

I certainly was not one to be trifled with, and upon hearing Old Ren speak, I scoffed:

"Sling mud? My connections within the Immortal Family have been thoroughly investigated. These two people researched life extension together when they were young, Aunt Liu... I didn't expect you to have such a dirty heart, and to do such despicable things."

Weakly lying on the ground, Aunt Liu stretched out her hand, hoping Old Ren would come to her aid, but I impeded Old Ren's step forward with the Peach Wood Sword I had thrust out, and smiled as I looked towards Aunt Liu...

"To tell you the truth, I can stop your life from slipping away. If you don't, just wait for these ten years to drain away completely, and then you can go ahead and die."

Seeing that Old Ren did not move and was staring straight at her, Aunt Liu knew no one could help her and had no choice but to start talking to me:

"Since... since it has come to this, I won't hide it anymore... I won't hide it anymore. I..."