142. I'm not refusing

I spent ten minutes recounting my past, including my dreams and that estate.

Plus, the fact that I was born and my parents had died.

And how most disciples who joined the Immortal Family met with bad ends.

After I finished telling it all, I took a sip of water and said,

"You ask how Ninth Master Chang is, no doubt he's an impressive man, and Ninth Lord has been nothing but good to me. But let's not talk about whether I like them or not... I don't even know if I'll live to see another day, and there are many secrets on me that I can't unravel myself. If I were..."

When I mentioned the estate, the expression on Winged Snake Old Mother's face had already turned sour.

"What did Guard Captain, Old Ninth say to you at that time?"

"Ninth Lord told me not to ask, nor to delve deeper, saying that thing wasn't mine, and could absolutely never be mine. I didn't ask any more questions, but I always had a question mark in my heart, not knowing..."