175. The female reporter who clings to the influential is sly

I saw that Liu Dao's complexion was still not very good, it seemed that something I had just said had offended him. He gave me a sidelong glance with a hint of scorn, I too was boiling with anger.

I snorted coldly:

"I know you look down on me, and I'm telling you straight up, I don't think much of you either. Just because I've saved your son so many times, and you can't even muster a smile for me, whether your whole family lives or dies is none of my concern. You can't tell the good from the bad, if it weren't for that bit of merit on you, I would have dealt with you long ago. Get lost, and stop coming to me in the future."

Liu Dao was scolded so badly by me he stood there for a long time without speaking. I hate people like that. Take Lu Mingwei for example, at most he uses people when moving forward, and when he needs me, he's no different from groveling, at least he's willing to fork out the money.

But Liu Dao is just boring.