180. I still have to go with you

There were two locks hanging on the red string.

Then he mumbled a few words beside me, probably just those auspicious phrases about cutting horses' mane, and after he had cut the red string, I was considered to have successfully completed the Ma Litang.

"White Gate Mansion's Elder Immortal! With great magical powers! Today you embark on your scholarly journey! In the future, you will surely make a name for yourself across the four seas!"

Following Old Man Zhang's loud shout, all the ceremonies had ended.

I am now officially a member of the Palmarosa Fragrance.

Taking a deep breath, I could feel that I was different from before, that natural power within me had grown stronger.

Old Man Zhang and his spouse were also drenched in sweat, sitting at the door and sweating profusely.

Grandmother, dripping with sweat, brought over a teapot and cups, and the two old folks sat there drinking several cups before they finally recovered.