The Picky Ninth Lord

By dinner time, I yawned. Today had really tired me out. Lu Mingwei was chatting with everyone about his dream, claiming that in his past life he was a learned man from a very wealthy family. He had taken two wives and fathered five children, and eventually earned himself a title of honor.

In the end, he lived into his eighties, and his sons and daughters led fairly smooth lives.

That lifetime of his seemed to have been quite smooth sailing.

After a few drinks, the scenes he saw were like a movie, highly entertaining.

After he finished, Ren Xiang talked about his dream too. In his dream, it seemed he saw a woman whom he had once served as a bodyguard. Then something happened, and he died in a time of war while protecting her.

That life was very short, so short it seemed he hadn't even had time to fall in love with someone, let alone marry and have children.

The dreams of Heizi Lu Chen were similar to Ren Xiang's, but what's the scariest thing...?