Who is the plaything?

After I packed up my things, I bought two pounds of strawberries to give to the dorm manager. She didn't seem particularly fond of me, but her face lit up at the sight of the strawberries.

"This kid knows how to do things right. If you ever need anything, just come to me, and I'll definitely help you out. Is that single room yours? You sure know how to enjoy life," she said.

I knew the manager felt that since I was living in a single room, my family must be well-off, which was why she was so warm towards me.

Two pounds of strawberries shouldn't warrant such a reaction.

"Thank you, ma'am. I don't really need anything. I just came to see how you were," I replied.

Having a good relationship with the dorm manager would make things more convenient in the future.

After leaving the manager's room, I returned to my own room, with its 1.5 by 1.8-meter single bed, a small sofa, a desk, and a wardrobe.

An en-suite bathroom where I could take a shower.

It was pretty good here.