Chapter 15 What Is It Like to Move a Single Sweat Hair?!


All actions within the operating room halted abruptly as everyone turned their gaze toward the group that had burst through the door. The leading surgeon was the first to speak, "Wasn't it you who personally approved the surgery? What's happening now..."

"I said stop, so stop. What's with all the nonsense!"

The man who had pushed the door open roared as he spoke, wiping the dense sweat beads off his forehead, "What was then is not what is now. Nobody touches this woman, not even a single hair on her head!"

With that, Dean Su swiftly stepped away from the door and made a welcoming gesture to someone outside: "Special Assistant Lin, please come in. I assure you, none of our people have laid a finger on her!"

Special Assistant Lin?!

These three words left everyone on the scene dumbfounded. A special assistant made the dean of Rongcheng's top hospital bow and scrape, breaking out in cold sweat—just which family in Rongcheng had a special assistant so formidable?!