Chapter 30: Nine Months Later!


But why would a man like that need to find a fallen lady like her to be a surrogate?

Even so, Ye Nuanxi couldn't help but fantasize if only the man that night had been a young and promising man, how wonderful that would have been. Then at least, even if her child was destined to be motherless, he would have had a normal father!

"Miss Ye, did you hear what I said?"

"I heard, can you keep your word?"

Upon hearing the reminder from the other end of the phone, Ye Nuanxi was jolted back to reality from her daydreams. She remembered the man's words, "Are you sure you can ensure my brother stays alive?!"

Without waiting for the man on the other end to reply, Ye Nuanxi added, "If I don't see my brother before the child is born, the child is mine, okay? I, Ye Nuanxi, never believe in promises without a price!"

No matter how solemn the promises, none could withstand the temptations of reality. Men, apart from her brother, were long past the point of trust!