Chapter 36: A Life for a Life!

"Mr. Huo, the condition of the parturient is very bad. Even if we perform a cesarean section, the risk is still very high. If we absolutely must choose, then we can only..."

The rest of the sentence didn't need to be spoken; everyone present understood the meaning. Perhaps it was the intensity of Huo Beichen's gaze, but the lead doctor quickly continued to explain, "The main issue is Ms. Ye's special constitution, and with the car accident, even if Dr. Su were not injured and able to perform the surgery right here, there would still be risks!"

"I pay you not to tell me about risks!"

The man's piercing gaze was terrifyingly cold. "I must have the child, and I also do not want the child to grow up knowing I caused his mother's death. If you don't want to lose your job, then perform the surgery well!"

His meaning was clear—he demanded the safety of both mother and child!