Chapter 82: Godly Assistance Powers Up!


As she looked down at the small head nuzzling against her knee, a warmth spread over her heart. Her rational mind told her to refuse, but the words were stuck in her throat, and she just couldn't bring herself to say them!


Seeing that she hadn't verbally rejected him, Little Xingchen's courage suddenly grew. He lifted his fuzzy little head from her knee and looked up at her with his big, pitch-black eyes, flickering like sparks, "Can you be my mommy?"

"My daddy has fair skin, good looks, long legs, and he's handsome and rich. Most importantly, he's also very gentle!"

In order to find a mommy that he liked, Little Xingchen decided to tell a white lie, to first deceive her into being won over, "So, Auntie, will you marry my daddy, please?"

Ye Nuanxi: "..."
