Chapter 127 Underwear Flying Everywhere!

"This is you inviting me to share a room with you, huh!"

The man squinted at her, following her steps closely, his face flushed with the afterglow of alcohol. His originally delicate features now bore a captivating, ruddy charm that made Ye Nuanxi's heart race, feeling a strange heat in her throat.

"Yeah, you take the bed, I'll sleep on the living room sofa!"

Ye Nuanxi dared not look into his eyes. He was staggering as he walked, and it seemed inappropriate to look for a room now. "The living room has a door, you just lock it from inside and I won't come in!"

Huo Beichen: "..."

Why should he lock the door?

This silly woman, really a sharp-tongued softie at heart. She'd call him a rogue whenever she got the chance, and yet now she was bold, daring to invite a drunken man into her room — she was truly consistently naive!

No matter how poison-tongued she was, her heart was consistently kind!