Chapter 152: If You Don't Answer the Phone, Baby's Gonna Jump off the Building...

Ye Nuanxi didn't know how long it had been when suddenly, the breath from the man's lips seemed to vanish, and the previously domineering and forceful kiss disappeared instantly. Shocked, she quickly opened her eyes and saw the man's pale face, his eyes tightly closed, looking as if he were dead...

"Huo Beichen!"

Ye Nuanxi clearly felt her heart skip a beat, as if all her strength had been drained away, "Su Yu, what's wrong with him? Is he, could he be..."

The words "dead" were stuck in her throat, unable to be voiced, afraid that saying them might make it true!

"Don't worry, Mr. Huo has just fainted!"

Su Yu didn't even glance at her, focusing on the surgery, then quickly bandaged him up and stood up to remove her surgical gloves, "If nothing unexpected happens, he should wake up in three hours!"


Ye Nuanxi responded softly, then asked, "What about his lower body, oh, no, I mean his legs? There won't be any lasting damage, right?"