Chapter 183: He likes you too, otherwise he wouldn't have put himself in a wheelchair for you!

"Both legs injured?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Murong Xuan was immediately struck with an ominous premonition, his voice tensed, "Was it because of you?"


Ye Nuanxi did not deny it, "During the aftershocks of the earthquake, we encountered a landslide. In order to push me out of the way, his own legs were crushed. The injuries are quite severe, and he still cannot stand up. He can only sit in a wheelchair, so he won't be able to do anything to me!"

Hearing this, Murong Xuan froze in shock—Huo Beichen had sacrificed the use of his legs to save Ye Nuanxi and now was confined to a wheelchair?

Did that prove that his feelings for Nuanxi were not merely a fling?

What man would consign himself to a wheelchair over a woman he was just toying with?