Chapter 192: Looking for Someone, Huh?

"What a bunch of crap, if all of Huo Beichen's women were to move into the Huo Family, don't you think my brother would have told me? Use your butt to think, isn't that just impossible?"

Upon hearing this, Han Kekou sprang out of the blankets she was wrapped in, and the tension from sleeping in Gu Nanfeng's bed instantly vanished without a trace, "Nuannuan, don't tell me you backed off because you heard this piece of news? Let me tell you, since I've known Huo Beichen, there haven't been any women around him. Even his secretary is a man. Not to mention me, even my brother suspects he might be gay, preferring men! Of course, we don't suspect that now, because he likes you, and you're a woman!"

Ye Nuanxi: "..."

"If he liked men, then how did Little Xingchen come about?"

The corner of Ye Nuanxi's eye twitched in spasms. The speculations she once had weren't just figments of her own imagination, even family and friends suspected him, which is also quite telling...