Chapter 198: This Explanation... He Gives Zero Points!

The softness of her skin gently brushed his lips, feather-like stroking his heart, sending shivers of delight, his eyes softly closed as he slowly savored the woman's green kiss. His grip went limp, and his hand that was wrapped around the woman's waist involuntarily loosened, but then...

Just as his eyelids came together, even before he could fully enjoy it, the soft touch on his lips suddenly vanished, the warm and moist temperature disappeared in an instant, and he felt a lightness on his legs—the weight that had been there was gone.

Huo Beichen's heart stalled, an ominous feeling washing over him, and his eyes snapped open immediately, sure enough, there was no one on his legs now, and before his eyes was the woman's radiant and charming face, a mischievous and triumphant smile on her face, "All done, the kiss has been given, and the promise fulfilled. Mr. Huo, can you calm down now?"
