Chapter 249: What is a Menstrual Period?

"Stuff we learned in middle school biology class. Who wouldn't know that unless they're a complete ignoramus?"

Ye Nuanxi: "..."

"Mommy, what's a period?"

Why did Daddy's eyes look so awkward when he mentioned Mommy's period, and why did Mommy's face turn so red? "Is it something that can give me a baby sister without needing to rape?"

Ye Nuanxi: "..."

Why did she even bother discussing this issue with a man? Whether he knew or didn't know, now she'd made things worse. Ye Nuanxi, your brain must be rusty!

Why do you care who Little Xingchen's mother is or how they treat her? You're not in love with them!

In love...

A loud bang exploded in Ye Nuanxi's head. How could she have thought about this? No, impossible. But why did her heart beat uncontrollably, as though it were sick, whenever she looked at that devilishly handsome face?
