Chapter 275: Nuannuan, Are You Planning to Murder Your Own Husband?!

Oh crap, she had been careless; there was still a child under four years old on the car, dozing on and off…

Ye Nuanxi's face suddenly turned red, feeling too embarrassed to look at Little Xingchen's innocent eyes. Awkwardly, her hand suddenly seemed to itch and she pinched Huo Beichen's arm fiercely…


The man let out a pained cry, his deep voice turning a bit husky, "Nuannuan, are you trying to murder your own husband?"

Ye Nuanxi: "…"

"I did not!"

A pinch could kill someone? That would be some man. "I just pinched you a little, do you have to be so dramatic?"

"Oh?" Hearing this, the man lazily uttered 'oh' with a faint smile that somehow stretched the word into a tone full of charm. She hadn't denied he was her husband, and he was quite satisfied with that answer, "If it's not attempted murder, then it must be coquettishly flirting with your husband!"

Ye Nuanxi: "…"

Murder and flirting, how could these two unrelated words be used together like this by him?