Chapter 278 Turns out He's the Man from Four Years Ago!


A crisp notification sound broke the silence inside the car, and immediately after, Ye Nuanxi swiped open her phone to see a photo she would never forget. In the photo, her brother lay pale and lifeless on the operating table with oxygen tubes attached, his eyes tightly closed, his face as pallid as a corpse. A nurse, wearing a mask and standing quietly by the bed, was only identifiable by her name badge.

Below the image was a caption: Tell Huo Beichen to pull back the police and bodyguards from the Ye Family's front door, or else, prepare to collect your brother's corpse!

Sender: Yang Yuerong!

"Didn't you say my brother wasn't in her hands?"

Ye Nuanxi's face drained to a ghostly white as she turned her trembling gaze to Huo Beichen, "Huo Beichen, call off the police, I need my brother to be alive more than I need Ye Qianqian to face retribution, even if he's just a vegetable!"