Chapter 79 Provoked by Someone

The next day at work, Shen Hanqian was still in a highly excited state, occasionally breaking into laughter, and seemed especially thrilled with her work!

At lunch, Sister Li made a point to sit at the same table with her, and gave her a knowing look. "Come on, tell me, did you go out on a date last night? Just look at you, all glowing with happiness. Last night must have been colorful and eventful, huh!"

"Yeah, right, did you install a camera in my place or something? Seeing a whole room full of springtime?" Shen Hanqian replied with a faux smile. Anyway, the best way to deal with colleagues' prying was to feign ignorance.

"You never tell the truth, always hiding things from me," Sister Li scolded her, yet let the matter drop without further ado.