Chapter 87: Kai who Drives a Lamborghini

Shen Hanqian had just hung up the phone when Sister Li, panting, ran over. "Qianqian, I was looking for you; how did you run off over here!"

"What's up, Sister Li!"

"That Yao Na's boyfriend is here, and he's in Chen Xiaodong's office right now!" Sister Li said anxiously.

Shen Hanqian was truly astonished and blinked in disbelief. "Sis, are you saying I'm jealous? Tell me, does Yao Na really have that much charm? Are there really men willing to splurge on her?"

Sister Li found it even harder to believe than Shen Hanqian. "I'm thinking the same as you. I also can't understand which rich guy could fall for her? But it's true. Despite her uncultivated country bumpkin air, she managed to snag a big fish."

"How big of a fish?" Shen Hanqian felt Sister Li was exaggerating. Even if Yao Na was lucky enough to reach the heavens, at most she could snag a nouveau riche pig farmer, but how wealthy could he be?

"He came in a Lamborghini. You tell me how big!" Sister Li dropped the bombshell.