Chapter 164: Are You in Urgent Need of Money?

"Who is calling?" Little Junjun asked suspiciously.

Shen Hanqian put away her phone. "A friend of mine!"

"A man?"

"Mm, the same gender as you!" she replied nonchalantly.

Little Junjun was not pleased and asked jealously, "Didn't you say you didn't have a boyfriend? Were you lying to me before?"

"He's a male friend, that's not the same as a boyfriend!" Shen Hanqian didn't understand why the little guy was upset and quickly removed the head and vein from a crawfish, then dug out the pale and tender meat. "Here, eat up, it's really tasty!"

Little Junjun was still upset, but Qianqian was feeding him, how could he refuse? So he opened his mouth, still looking at her unhappily with his eyes.

Shen Hanqian stuffed the shrimp meat into his little mouth, then peeled one for herself.

"Did he say he wants to find you tonight?" he continued to probe.

"Mm, said he wants to bring me something!" What weird thing does this person want to bring?