Chapter 383 Ambiguous Answer

"Qingcang, let's stand on equal footing, okay? You like me, and I like you. Let's not make promises to each other, nor talk about the future. We can be together if we want to, and if one day one of us gets tired, then we'll break up, okay?" Shen Hanqian gave him the greatest leniency, not wanting to put any pressure on him.

Xiao Qingcang hugged her tightly, feeling very displeased with her words. He would have preferred her to have expectations of him, rather than this unbound relationship where she might slip away from his side at any time!

"Enough, I need to clean the sofa covers now, all because of you!" Shen Hanqian hit him lightly and continued to battle with the traces of their misdeeds!

Xiao Qingcang still sat motionless, watching her as she cleaned!

He didn't know if his actions counted as madness, but subconsciously, he wanted Rong Yi or someone else to see, to let others discover she was his woman!