chapter 2

'PRINCIPALS OFFICE' said the notice board at the door. It was opened halfway, and a tall man, a little bent and with hair white as snow, stared out through the door. Naturally, she didn't like the man.

"Come in, come in dear, you must be Vivian, our exchange student. You must be thrilled being part of such an excellence school, huh? Am Edward Anderson, Please do take a seat." said Mr Anderson with great excitement.

Vivian entered and sat down, "Why did you have to pick me off all the students, huh? As a matter of fact, I am neither thrilled nor excited about being here, I was doing perfectly fine where I was."

"Well, just so you know, it was your mother who suggested that you come here, she thinks it will do you good. That being said, wait for me here, I'll be right back, and then, I'll take you to your class."

A few minutes later, when he came back, He led her up the spiral staircase, built into the very wall of the building. Into a great hall with several classrooms, they finally stood and entered lecture room 2-B.

He introduced Vivian to the entire class and turned to face her once more.

"This is it, this is your class, with fine students just get to know them and since the teacher isn't yet in, you can get acquainted with some of them. If you need anything I am going to be in my office." Mr Anderson said and walked out of the classroom.

All the desks were occupied except for one, which was at the back corner close to the window. As she finally settled down, she realized that the next desk on her right hand side was occupied my Ken, and that irritated her.

"Wow, you have to sit next to me." Commented Ken.

"Yeah, I know, it's an annoying coincidence." Replied Vivian.

"The feeling is mutual." Said Ken disdainfully. "But, since we have to sit next to each other, we should attempt to get along. Am Ken, So what's your name?"

Vivian looked at him and simply ignored him, as if he hadn't said anything.

"Really, you won't even share with me that much."

"So what, you've got a problem with that?"

"No, but it would make things weird for the next two years sitting next to you never know the name." said

Ken, hopefully.

"It's Vivian, and just because we are sitting so close together doesn't mean that you can be talking to me anytime you feel like."

"Eish, alright, fine, but you don't have to be so prickly."

"Get seated, everyone," said the class teacher as she came in through the door and welcomed Vivian. "I assume you are all fine, so to get started open your science books to page one zero five."