Chapter 10

"listen up students, this week and the next week I am not going to be around. I have filed all the assignments and work you are supposed to cover in my absence." said the class teacher Mrs Smith. "And for you to perfectly accomplish that, I suggest that you select a class leader among yourselves."

Mrs Smith waited until a smattering of disapproval and disappointed died down.

Teacher, why can't you just go when we close" a deep voice asked from the back of the class.

"I wish I could, but I have no choice but to go, my presence is highly needed."

Noting the excessive number of blank faces staring at her, Mrs Smith shifted her gaze toward the classroom door, then bent forward slightly and lowered her voice. "So whose gonna be your class leader?"

"I think Thomas would best suit." said a thin girl who wore glasses because contact made her eyes water.

"I'd rather suggest our class leader to be Lola." said Evans, a husky boy with freckles and a brain that rivaled Einstein's.

The whole class nodded in agreement with Evans suggestion.

"Hey guys, I have something to say." said Lola standing up, drawing all eyes and attention to herself. "listen guy's, I've been thinking about it a lot. A number of us in this class always stand out even if we don't intend to and the person who we select as our leader should be someone who's discreet and responsible to, right? Only one of our classmate has such requirements, and that person is Vivian. What do you think guys? "

Once again, the whole class seemed to like Lola's ideas.

" I am in favor, Vivian if you could accept the roll, I would like you to have it. What do you say?" said Mrs Smith.

Vivian was quite hesitant for she didn't know whether to accept or not.

"If she won't I would be happy to be the class leader." said ken

But Vivian spoke up the second he just finished speaking. "Fine then, I accept the position."

"Ouch." sighed Ken.

So it was, Vivian became the class leader and Lola felt pretty good about it, thinking that by nominating Vivian her chances of being friends with her would be high.


During lunch time Vivian asked Ken to have lunch with her, with reasons she knew best.

"Do you have any plans for lunch? I was wondering if you could be able to join me." requested Vivian.

"Huhh, yeah sure why not, let's go." answered Ken surprised. And they wondered off to the cafeteria.

Vivian told Ken to order whatever he wanted. Ken sure felt grateful about the kind gesture and he was happy seeing her act like a normal person.

Ken went ahead with it without thinking twice about it and ordered the most expensive meal and Vivian got a much less expensive meal. And they proceeded to an empty table of two.

"Wow thanks for the food, but I have to ask, are you sure it's okay that I have to put such an expensive lunch on you? I feel awkward." Ken asked as they sat down.

"Yes, I told you to get whatever you wanted and I meant it. Lunch is my treat today, so don't feel awkward and eat already." commented Vivian curtly.

"Oh alright, thanks. Let's eat then."

They all eat in silence, non of them uttered a word till they finished eating.