chapter 17

Through out the Breathtaking fundraising events Vivian decided to stay away and didn't seem to care of whatsoever was going on in school.

Saturday morning when she was from taking a shower she found her phone ringing. She hesitatingly picked up the phone, seeing that it was Ken calling she automatically declined the call.

As she was placing the phone back on the table, Ken called again and she again declined the call. He called once again and she declined it once more. When he called for the fourth time she stared at the call for some minutes and then accepted the call, and yelled through the receiver.

"Can't you take a hint, I don't wanna talk to you!" she yelled.

"Vivian" said Ken.

"What now?" snapped Vivian.

"Do you want to go to the pool with me?" asked Ken.

Without saying anything Vivian immediately cut the call.

After a few seconds Ken called again and she picked up the call.

"Seriously do you want to go to the pool with me?" asked Ken again.

"Absolutely not." said Vivian curtly.

"Look to be frank, I really need a huge favor from you, our lives are on the line. It has to do with your wild suspicions, it turns out that you were right all along. Meet me at the schools theater, I will explain everything to you there." explained Ken.

Vivian said that she would be there in just a few minutes and hung up the call.


As she was heading to the theater she met up with Ruth holding hands with her boyfriend Russell. They both walked towards Vivian with smiles on their faces.

Ruth was one of the popular top girls in Vivian's class. Because of that she had influence among the female students. She's currently dating Russell, an effective male leader in her class, which makes Ruth's position strengthening.

"Hey look, it's Vivian, where have you been? We haven't been seeing you at any of the events. We heard rumors that you had died or something, no one in school had seen a trace of you." said Ruth excitedly.

Vivian first looked at them carelessly and said, "I don't have any reason of seeing any of you people."

"Look Vivian why don't you hung out with your classmates sometimes, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try." said Russell brightly.

"I will pass thanks, I have no need to give it a try as you put it. My time would be better spent studying or reading." Vivian said with an attitude meant to irritate.

Ruth was irritated alright, it clearly showed when she said, "Well that's just fine with us, let's get going Russell. She doesn't think we are worth her time so why should we bother with her!" snapped Ruth bitterly, pulling Russell's hand.

"Oh okay then, see you later Vivian" waved Russell.

Vivian looked at them as they walked away and lamented to herself, 'I don't need friends. I've made it this far without them why should I change my tactics now.'

She then started off to meet ken in the theater.


"What's taking Vivian so long?" Lola asked ken, as they stood in the big empty theater hall waiting for Vivian.

"uhh, am really not sure, but you know how Vivian is so mysterious and strange." said Ken.

"uhm yeah, I guess you are right. But why does she hate me and think so badly of me? I just don't get it. I hope you don't feel the same way too, well tell me, what do you really think of me Ken, huh?" said Lola so naively and brightly and moved up close in front of Ken, close enough that her huge superb breasts where pressing hard on his chest.

Standing on her toes, with her hands behind her, she had raised her head, looking up into Ken's eyes, with her little cheerful bright eyes and smiled.

Ken looked down on Lola's big breasts, as he felt them touching his chest. The sensational feeling of Lola's breasts on his chest was unavoidable. His heart was bumping unevenly against his ribs. He felt a stab of desire go through him to see her so close to him like that.

Just that moment Vivian showed up at the theater. "Is this what I was called to see. How pathetic." she said standing at the doorway.

Lola moved away as quickly as she could.

When Vivian joined them in the hall, Ken explained everything to her.

He told her that Nucho had phoned him the previous night when he overheard his father talking about her pending suspicions and that his now willing to partner up and find out exactly what's going on.

"Okay, so now what do you suggest we should do?" asked Vivian.

"Someone named Lucas has brought in some confidential documents that the principal is supposed to sign, the papers are in his office." explained Ken.

"And how do you suppose will get the papers, cause his office is probably locked." pointed out Lola.

"Well I had thought about that, that's why I took the risk of duplicating the key. One of us will go in while the rest remain on the look out. With all the events going on in school, they all require the principals attention, so we gat enough time to go in take a picture of the papers and get out. So whose gonna go in?" Asked Ken, looking at the two girls.

Vivian volunteered that she would go in. Ken handed over the duplicate key to Vivian.

Lola went over to keep an eye on the principal so as to inform the others about his movements. While Ken stood near the office so that no one would be around the time Vivian will be coming out of the office.

So that's all to it, the plan was set and they were pretty sure it would succeed as they went through it once more.