chapter 31

When Nucho went back home and walked into the big lounge a little after twelve o'clock, he went to stand at the French window and no one took notice of him.

It was a nice big lounging room with a couple of chesterfields in red leather and three or four lounging chairs near the fire place and on the polished boards were Persian rugs that made rich pools of colours and, along the wall facing the French windows where Nucho was standing was a curved side-board on which was displayed a comprehensive collection of bottles and glasses.

A thin, elegantly dressed man sprang up from the lounging chain.

Nucho studied him with interest.

"Don't get excited, Dominic. You can't come in my house and start telling me what to do!" the mayor said, he had planted himself in one of the chesterfield, his face was right with rage.

"Am not telling you what to do. Am just letting you know that, business isn't going too well, it's going down the drain. The number of men in Mexico who are selling drugs has reduced dramatically. The Mexican police are fishing them out one by one. We are losing market James. And before those bastards in jail open up their trap hole, You better do something about it or else we are sunk." Dominic said brusquely. Rage made him look old and ugly.

"These are the only men we are left with." Dominic said pointing at the seven drug dealers who were standing at the far left corner of the room.

Nucho regard the men with disgust. They were all dressed so cheaply and badly. Their hair so filthy and unpleasant. They were dressed up in sleazy, shabby clothes, with fade up shorts, which were once a good pair of trousers but now cut to its knees. Their eyes were as red as a stop sign, due to excessive intake of drugs. Their skin was color of dust, they looked as though they haven't bathed in a couple of months.

Anyone, smart enough would be able to fish them out as drug traffickers. Nucho regarded them with intense disgust.

"I hired you to be in charge of the drug business in Mexico, whatsoever happens or whatever comes up with these men, it's your goddamn business, you better deal with it and fix it. And the only time you are to come back is only when you bring some good news of progress and not this bullshit you telling you. Now be your age, man up, put your shit together and go solve this goddamn problem. I don't want to hear anymore complaints from you." Cautioned the mayor, with a ruthless expression on his face.

"Am warning you James, if those men in jail spread the word and expose us, I won't stop at anything to save my own skin. I will do everything possible to stay in the clean. And you well know what I mean by that!" Dominic said sharply and breathlessly.

Before the mayor could utter a word, Nucho jumped into the conversation furiously.

"Now hold on, just a moment there, Dominic!" said Nucho, leaving the French windows. "How dare you come into my father's house, and dare to threaten him. Don't you have any manners at all!?" his fists were clenched.

His father rose from the chair in complete bewilderment. He tried to say something but Nucho stopped him.

"No dad, don't say anything. This man, can't come here and disrespect you like this, at least not in my presence. I honestly can't tolerate that!" Nuchos voice was cold spiteful.

Surprised, Dominic, looked at him and laughed at him. He was genuinely amused."Now what are you going to do about that, little puppet." Dominic said mockingly and laughed once more.

"Oh yeah? I will show you exactly what I'm going to do," he said and moved over to a shabby desk that stood in one of the corners of the lounging room. Giving everyone his back, he pulled open a drawer.

Everyone in the room eye him with considerable interest.

He dipped his hand into the drawer, then turned to face Dominic. He had an automatic gun in his hand which he pointed at Dominic.

Dominic laughed feverishly, "How fascinating, you think you can scare me with a gun. You don't even know how to use it. You are nothing but a pathetic little boy. James can you tell your boy to put away the gun and play with his toys outside. We gat some business to discuss."

"Shut your goddamn trap hole. How dare you speak like that about my son you imbecile." the mayor said and gazing at Nucho and then at the gun in his hand, he said, "What do you think you are doing Nucho? Stay out of this it doesn't concern you son."

"Don't dare to stop me dad, it's high time this bastard is put in his rightful place." he said with a cold edge in his voice.

He moved slightly to his left, keeping Dominic covered.

Dominic's heart gave a little bounce when he saw the expression on Nuchos face and saw that he wasn't bluffing. However, he made to appear unruffled and kept his face expressionless. "Come on, go ahead shoot me. Come on, don't be shy. How foolish." Scorned Dominic.

Nucho drew in a sharp breath. "Alright, as you say. You've asked for it."

Dominic saw the skin of Nuchos knuckles tighten as he started to take up the slack on the trigger. He had a bleak feeling that any second the gun would go off.

Dominic had almost reached for the gun when it went off with a bang that rattled everyone in the room.