And at the last place Eileen Caldwell

The principal's voice continued to resonate through the air, announcing the graduates in ascending order of their rank. My heart swelled with pride when he reached the third place.

"At third place, we have Elise Cartier," he declared.

Elise stood up gracefully, her gown flowing around her like a cascade of midnight silk. Her hair, a rich auburn, was styled in elegant curls that framed her face, highlighting her bright green eyes that sparkled with intelligence and wit.

She was the embodiment of both beauty and brains, her smile radiant as she waved at me. I returned the gesture, my heart doing a little dance. That was Elise, always shining, always inspiring.

The ceremony proceeded flawlessly, with each name called being a testament to the hard work and dedication of my peers. Laughter and cheers filled the space, creating a tapestry of joyous celebration.

The sun beamed down benevolently, as if to bless the proceedings. Finally, the moment arrived that everyone had been waiting for – or dreading, in my case.

"And at the last place, Eileen Caldwell." The words hung in the air, and I felt a mixture of emotions as I stood up. There was a smattering of applause, some surprised murmurs, and even a few chuckles.

I walked towards the stage, my steps measured, my head held high. The principal handed me my diploma with a kind smile.

"Good luck for the future, Eileen, even if it's complicated," he said, his voice warm yet tinged with a hint of concern. I took the diploma, our hands brushing briefly.

"Thank you, sir. Life is a complicated affair, but I believe I've inherited my family's knack for navigating through it," I replied, my voice steady. He nodded, his expression softening.

"I have no doubt about that. You have the Caldwell spirit. But stop sleeping every where you go" As I turned to face the crowd, diploma in hand, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

Yes, I was at the bottom of the class, but I was here, graduating. I had made it through, and that was something to be celebrated. The principal cleared his throat, bringing the ceremony back into focus.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us applaud the resilience and determination of all our graduates. They have each earned their place here today." The applause that followed was thunderous, a collective roar that seemed to shake the very ground.

I found my mother in the crowd, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of pride. She gave me a thumbs-up, and I grinned back at her. As the ceremony drew to a close, I realized that this was more than just a farewell to high school; it was the beginning of a new journey.

One where the path might not always be clear, but where the destination was mine to choose and it would defenitly led to me sleeping on my bed and playing video game everyday.

With the sun warming my back and my diploma clutched firmly in my hand, I stepped off the stage and into my future, ready for to play at a lot game that I would buy with my pocket money.

As the ceremony concluded, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Elise, her green eyes shimmering with genuine warmth. "Congratulations, Eileen," she said, her voice carrying that familiar note of sincerity.

"Rankings don't define us, you know?" I chuckled, brushing off the formality of the event.

"Thanks, Elise. But honestly, I'm not fussed about it. Now, I can dive into my parents' fortune, buy an endless supply of video games, and sleep all day. Sounds like the perfect life, doesn't it?" I said, my tone light and teasing. Elise laughed, the sound as clear as a bell.

"Just don't forget, tomorrow's a big day for you. Your 18th birthday! We definitely need to celebrate." Her reminder brought a smile to my face; I had almost forgotten amidst the graduation chaos.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's plan something fun," I agreed, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of turning 18.

"First things first, let's hit the buffet. I'm starving!" I suggested, and we made our way to the banquet hall. The buffet was a feast for the senses.

Tables groaned under the weight of delicacies: succulent roast meats, a rainbow of vibrant salads, and an array of desserts that looked like they belonged in a patisserie window.

The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the sweet scent of fruit tarts, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckoned everyone to indulge. We filled our plates, sampling a bit of everything.

The flavors danced on my tongue – the savory, the sweet, the tangy – each bite more delightful than the last. Our laughter and chatter filled the air until she arrived. Caroline, with her porcelain skin and hair like spun gold, glided towards us.

Her beauty was undeniable, but her sneer was as sharp as thorns.

"Well, if it isn't the bottom of the class," Caroline taunted, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Enjoying your last hurrah before you disappear into obscurity?" I met her gaze, unfazed.

"Caroline, your words are as empty as this hall will be in an hour. I'm too busy planning my future of gaming glory and luxurious naps to care about your opinion," I retorted with a smirk.

Before she could respond, my mother appeared at my side. "Eileen, darling, we should head home. There's much to prepare for your birthday tomorrow," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I nodded, bidding farewell to Elise and the buffet, leaving Caroline with nothing but the echo of her own words. As we walked away, I felt a sense of freedom. Tomorrow was a new day, my birthday, and the start of a new chapter one filled with adventure, games, and the promise of countless possibilities.