Rogue demon ?

The forest loomed around us, a dense canopy of ancient trees stretching up towards the sky, their leaves so thick and intertwined that they blotted out the morning sun. It was like driving through a tunnel carved out of foliage, the light dimming until it felt more like midnight than morning.

The air was cool and damp, filled with the earthy scent of moss and the faint, distant sound of a stream.

"Um, is this place safe?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I peered out the window at the shadowy shapes of the trees.

The driver, a stoic man with eyes that had seen many roads, glanced out the front window before replying, "Yes, don't worry. Try to get some rest; the journey will seem shorter."

He was right; it was at least a six-hour drive to Clovice, and there were no trains available.

"Okay," I murmured, trying to find a comfortable position in the seat. I closed my eyes, the rhythmic hum of the car's engine lulling me into a peaceful slumber.

But my rest was short-lived. An alarm pierced the silence, jolting me awake. I turned to the driver, my heart racing.

"Do you hear that noise too?" He shook his head, his eyes never leaving the road. "No, there's nothing. Maybe it's just fatigue," he suggested, but I wasn't convinced.

The alarm persisted, and then, as if summoned by my concern, an hologram flickered to life before me.

"Rogue demons are approaching dangerously close to you; it could be dangerous," it warned, its digital voice cutting through the stillness of the car.

I leaned forward, whispering, "What's a rogue demons?" But the hologram offered no answer, its light fading as quickly as it had appeared. In that moment of confusion, something colossal struck the car.

 My heart pounded in my chest as the car careened off the road, the impact sending shockwaves through my body. My mind raced as adrenaline flooded my veins, every instinct screaming at me to brace for impact.

As the car slammed into the tree with a deafening crash, the world seemed to spin around me in a dizzying blur. For a moment, everything was chaos – the screech of metal against metal, the shatter of glass, the sharp intake of breath as the airbags deployed with a forceful whoosh.

When the dust finally settled, I found myself dazed and disoriented, my head spinning as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. Pain radiated through my body, a dull ache that seemed to echo with every breath.

"Is everyone okay?" I called out, my voice shaky with fear.

The driver, still strapped into his seat, groaned in response, his hands clutching at the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip. "I'm… I'm fine," he managed to choke out, his voice strained.

Relief flooded through me as I realized he was alive, but my sense of unease only grew as I glanced around the wrecked car. Outside, the world was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination coming from the faint glow of the car's headlights.

I fumbled with my seatbelt, my fingers shaking as I struggled to free myself from the confines of the twisted metal. With a grunt of effort, I managed to pry myself loose, wincing as pain shot through my shoulder.

Cautiously, I pushed open the door and stumbled out into the night, the cool air hitting me like a slap in the face. Around me, the forest loomed ominously, the trees casting long, twisted shadows in the darkness.

"Are you hurt?" I asked the driver, my voice trembling with concern.

He shook his head, his eyes wide with shock. "No, I'm okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

But even as he spoke, I could see the fear in his eyes, the realization dawning on him that we were stranded in the middle of nowhere, at the mercy of whatever dangers lurked in the shadows.

Suddenly, the hologram flickered to life once more, its message clear and urgent: "Rogue demons are approaching dangerously close to you; it's dangerous."

I swallowed hard, my heart hammering in my chest as I glanced around nervously, searching for any sign of danger. But the forest remained eerily silent, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the night breeze.

"There is nothing where are they?" I whispered, my voice barely more than a breath.

But the hologram remained silent, its message unchanged as it continued to pulse with an ominous glow. And then, without warning, something slammed into the car with a force that rocked it on its axles, sending me stumbling backward with a cry of alarm.

Panic surged through me as I realized the gravity of our situation. We were under attack, and I had no idea what we were up against.

"We need to get out of here," I said, my voice shaking with fear. "Now."

I glanced out into the darkness of the forest, but the shadows seemed to swallow everything whole, leaving me with nothing but an oppressive sense of unease. With a shaky breath, I forced myself to step away from the car, the gravel crunching beneath my feet as I moved.

"Stay close," I murmured to the driver, reaching out a hand to help him out of the wreckage. He stumbled slightly as he emerged, his face pale with shock as he surveyed the scene before us.

"Now what do we do?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"We first have to alert—" The driver's words were cut off abruptly as a sudden movement caught my eye.

Before he could finish his sentence, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its form twisted and contorted into something nightmarish.

A chill ran down my spine as I realized what stood before us – a demon, its eyes gleaming with malice as it fixed its gaze upon us. Its skin was a sickly shade of grey, stretched taut over sinewy muscles that rippled with unnatural strength.

Jagged horns protruded from its forehead, casting long, menacing shadows in the dim light.

But it was the creature's mouth that truly unnerved me – a gaping maw lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, each one gleaming with deadly intent. With a single movement, it lunged forward, its fangs sinking into the driver's flesh with a sickening crunch.

I watched in horror as the demon tore through him with terrifying ease, its movements fluid and precise as it decapitated him in a single, brutal motion. Blood sprayed across the forest floor, staining the ground with a dark, crimson hue as the driver's lifeless body slumped to the ground.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the demon met my gaze, its eyes burning with a hunger that sent shivers down my spine.