Duel last part

Mara's enhanced wind magic whirled around me, the force of it nearly knocking me off my feet. My body was exhausted, every muscle screaming in protest, but I couldn't give up. The system had confirmed what I already knew: my opponent was using a magical item. I had to find a way to counter it.

Gritting my teeth, I summoned another burst of fire, aiming it straight for Mara's wrist. The flames surged forward, but she deflected them with another powerful gust of wind. The clash of elements created a chaotic storm around us, the heat and wind swirling in a dance of destruction.

Mara's eyes narrowed, her focus unwavering. She knew I had figured out her secret, and she wasn't going to let me win easily. But I had to try. I couldn't let her overpower me.

"Come on, Eileen," I muttered to myself, gathering my remaining strength. "You can do this."