You motherfuckers

The cold bit into my bones as I huddled in the crevice, the small flame in my hand providing a little relief. It wasn't going to be enough, though. If I wanted to survive the next five hours, I needed a proper shelter. Gathering my resolve, I began planning how to create a refuge that would shield me from the biting wind and the relentless cold.

First, I examined the area around me, looking for materials that could be useful. The snow was plentiful, of course, but snow alone wouldn't provide much insulation. The ice formations nearby, however, sparked an idea.

With a combination of snow and ice, I could build a compact shelter that might retain some of the heat from my fire magic.

I started by using my hands to dig a shallow pit in the snow, large enough to sit and lie down in. My fingers quickly went numb, but I pushed through, knowing it was essential to my survival.