
As we trudged back to the dorms, I couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. All I wanted was to collapse on my bed and be alone with my thoughts. Lise and Thalira, however, had other plans.

"We should go to your room, Eileen," Thalira said cheerfully, nudging Lise. "It's been a long day and we need to debrief."

"I don't think that's necessary," I replied, trying to mask my weariness with a polite smile. "I just want to get some rest."

"Rest?" Lise scoffed, her eyes flashing. "After what happened today? We need to talk strategy for the next part of the tournament."

"I can do that tomorrow," I insisted, my voice firmer. "Right now, I just need some time alone."

"Nonsense," Thalira chimed in, a playful grin spreading across her face. "We're not letting you out of our sight after what happened. Besides, we need to stick together."