We need to find number 5

We'd been stuck on this cursed island for a day now, and I swear I was going to throttle Thalira if she kept up with her incessant complaining. The dense forest surrounding us was suffocating, and the lack of food wasn't helping.

We had no idea where the badge we were supposed to find was, just that it was number 5. We were assigned number 9, and I couldn't shake the feeling that those two probably had it all figured out by now.

"This is ridiculous!" Thalira snapped, kicking at a rock in frustration. "We've been wandering around for hours with no sign of anyone or anything useful. How are we supposed to find this badge if we can't even find food?"

"Maybe if you'd stop whining for a second, we could come up with a plan," I retorted, my patience wearing thin. "Complaining isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Oh, so now you're the one with all the answers?" Thalira shot back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because all I've seen you do is criticize."