We're running out of time

The next morning, I felt remarkably better. The stiffness and pain that had plagued my muscles the previous day had subsided significantly, allowing me to move without wincing.

Zaya's medicinal herbs had worked wonders, accelerating my recovery far beyond what I had expected. I felt almost completely restored, a testament to the potency of her remedies.

As I opened my eyes, the soft light of dawn filtered into the cave, casting a gentle glow on the rocky walls. I saw Zaya already up and busy, her lithe form moving with purpose as she prepared breakfast.

The aroma of cooking food wafted through the air, rich and savory, making my stomach rumble in anticipation.

"Morning," Zaya said, glancing up from her work with a small, welcoming smile. "You're up just in time. Breakfast is almost ready."