You can rest

As we walked into the central clearing, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. Eight of us remained, a stark reminder of the harshness of the competition. The principal stood on a raised platform, his presence commanding the attention of everyone present.

"Congratulations to all of you," he began, his voice resonating through the clearing. "You've proven your strength, resilience, and determination. Out of the original five hundred students, only eight remain. This is a testament to your abilities and willpower."

There was a murmur of appreciation among the remaining students. I glanced around, noting the fatigue etched into everyone's faces. We were all tired, but there was also a glimmer of pride in each set of eyes.

"You have one day of rest," the principal continued. "Use this time wisely. Go take a shower, eat, and recover. You'll need your strength for the challenges ahead."