Lise vs Thalira

The next morning, I woke up with the dawn. I stretched, feeling the slight soreness from yesterday's training, and changed into my sports outfit. Today felt different. Instead of my usual 5km walk, I felt the need to run. Maybe it was the lingering adrenaline from yesterday, or the realization that I was in the top ten of the tournament. I laced up my shoes and headed out.

As I began to run, my mind started to wander. I couldn't help but think about what the next test could be. We had already faced some intense challenges, and with the stakes getting higher, I knew it was only going to get tougher. Being in the top ten was an achievement, but the competition was fierce. 

*What could it be?* I thought to myself as my feet pounded against the ground. *Another survival challenge? Maybe something more skill-based?*